CTU's tasks within EU

Since the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union (EU) (1 May 2004), CTU ensures activities related to EU membership. It is currently the responsibility of the International Cooperation Unit, which co-operates with other specialised CTU Departments. In terms of EU relations, these activities include, in particular:

  • Co-operation with EU Member States' regulators.
  • Participation of experts in committees and working groups set up by the European Commission.
  • Shared high-level responsibility for the approximation of the acquis communautaire in the electronic communications area, and co-operation with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic (MPO) on works related to the administration of the databases of the Information System for the Approximation of Law (ISAP), which is administered by the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic.
  • Cooperation with the Sectoral Co-ordination Group of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic on preparing materials for the meetings of the Working Group of the Council of the EU, for the meetings of the Committee of permanent representatives of EU Member States (COREPER), or joint meetings of ministers in the Council of the EU.
  • Participation in the Committee for the European Union at working level which is a working body of the Government of the Czech Republic determining and coordinating Czech positions in the EU.

  • Ensuring compliance with the commitments of national regulatory authority under the European Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications, especially notification and communication obligations to the Commission and to other regulatory authorities of the Member States.