Market No. 6 — Wholesale terminating segments of leased lines, irrespective of the technology used to provide leased or dedicated capacity

Measure of general nature - Market analysis No. A/6/12.2010-16,
Market No. 6 — Wholesale terminating segments of leased lines, irrespective of the technology used to provide leased or dedicated capacity

Measure of general nature - Market analysis No. A/6/12.2010-16 –Wholesale terminating segments of leased lines, irrespective of the technology used to provide leased or dedicated capacity

Opinion of the Office for the Protection of Competition on analysis of the market No. 6

Commission comments on notification of analysis of market No. 6

Designation of undertaking with significant market power

Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s.

Imposed obligations

Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s.

Price regulation



