
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is Euro-Atlantic military pact, established on 4 April 1949.


Main aim of NATO is to safeguard freedom and security of its Members through political and military means.


NATO membership is open to any other European state willing to follow the principles of Treaty and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area. Czech Republic became a Member on 12 March 1999.

NATO is organized into civilian and military structures. The head of the civilian structure is the Secretary General of NATO who represents the Alliance externally; military structure is managed by the Military Committee.

The Czech Telecommunication Office represents the Czech Republic within Telecommunications and Postal Work Group in the Industrial Resources and Communications Services Group (IRCSG), which deals in particular with questions of security and integrity of electronic communications networks as well as civil and uncivil emergency provision of the postal services.

Within the frame of international activity, CTU’s representatives participate regularly on NATO Civil/Military Spectrum Panel (Capability Panel – CP/3) dealing mainly with questions of accessibility of radio spectrum and its harmonisation for military needs of NATO Member States.

