PRESS RELEASE: CTU has designated new markets susceptible to ex-ante regulation

Prague, 5 May 2021 – Today, CTU Council has designated new relevant markets within the electronic communications sector. Relevant measure will be published in the next chapter of Telecommunication Bulletin.  

Following the last year´s Recommendation of the European Commission, CTU Council has adopted the Measure of General Nature laying down three relevant wholesale markets in electronic communications, susceptible to ex-ante regulation. Two markets - Wholesale local access provided at a fixed location and Wholesale dedicated capacity – were transposed from the recommendation of the European Commission. The third market, Wholesale assess to mobile services, was designated on the basis of national decision.

CTU Council has decided that also all relevant markets defined yet will be the subject of a review. Both, relevant public and the Office for the Protection, were consulted the draft measure.

CTU published further information of the draft measure at the stage of the discussion in Monitoring report No. 3/2021 (part Market Analyses – page 4)


Press Unit 
Czech Telecommunication Office
Tereza Meravá
