PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report 08/2019

Prague, 15 August 2019 – The amendment to the Electronic Communications Act, which shorten the maximum length of termination notice to 30 days, entered into force nearly two years ago. However, the inspection shows, that not all operators adhere to new rules.

The new rules do not apply only to contracts concluded after the amendment became effective, but also to previously concluded contracts. If the subscriber simultaneously asks to port their number to a different operator, the termination notice shortens to 10 days. CTU asks all affected customers, who know about an operator who violates these legal provisions, to inform it about founded discrepancies.

The monitoring report also informs about the European Commission comments of Three-criteria test of market for access to mobile services. Despite some objections, the EC does not consider CTU’s steps as a barrier for internal market, so it did not initiate the so-called second phase. Therefore, CTU continues with steps leading to broadening the list of relevant markets by wholesale market for access to mobile services and will use the EC comments for preparation of the analysis as such.

The monitoring report can be downloaded here.

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