INVITATION to BEREC Workshop on the update of its Net Neutrality Guidelines

Event Date: 29 May 2019, 10:30–16:00
Location: Centre Albert Borschette (CCAB) 36, rue Froissart – B-1049 Brussels
Organiser: The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC)

We would like to invite you to a workshop on the update of the BEREC Net Neutrality Guidelines. BEREC invites stakeholders to present information on the specific use cases which they feel are restricted by the current Net Neutrality guidelines. Stakeholders that wish to present should respond with a brief description of what they wish to discuss and a desired slot duration. BEREC will try to accommodate all requests, if this is not possible a balance in subjects and speakers will have to be found. Please send your requests for presentation and commentary time slots to by 17 May.

More information on draft agenda and registration form here.

Register to the event by 22 May.

The event will be also available in a form of video-conferencing provided for remote participants.
