PRESS RELEASE: First step to use milimetre-waves for 5G networks

Prague, 16 October 2020 – CTU Council adopted the Measure of General Nature this week – namely the part related to frequency band of 24,25–27,5 GHz

The Measure set basic technical parameters and the way how to authorize first milimetre -wave band for 5G networks. They both constitute a necessary condition for verifying the opportunities for its future commercial use. According to the results of the public consultation and evidence gathered during meetings with representatives of the sector, CTU, based on individual authorization for experimental use, proposes to make a compact range of 1 GHz band accessible.

CTU is also aware that the supply of 5G equipment is just emerging on the market and that there is no demand on new services in this band.

Based on the evidence of experimental band use, optimization of planning mechanisms and results of negotiations on European technical-regulatory draft measures for ensuring mutual network coexistence, CTU will specify the conditions for commercial use.

CTU will monitor and assess the development of given areas at the end of the first half of 2021.

Measure of General Nature is published on CTU´s websites (available only in Czech language).

Press Unit

Czech Telecommunication Office
